Wow, just suddenly got this award from Hasue which happens to be my 1st award since I started this blog, and I was really suprised! I really appreciate it. Hasue, you are so sweet for passing the award on to me, thanks a lot, dear! Muahhhh!!!
I need to pass it to other 15 blogs that I have newly discovered & contact the bloggers to let them know about it. (15? kena ikut ka rules ni hasue?? pening kepala den!)
Hmm it's ok.. Let's just follow the rules stated.. think I have a few list of bloggers that I already know in my hand... so here we go... I'm proudly passing this award to: -
1. Ana Wahid
2. Kak As
3. Aziemas
4. Kak Hazila
For the time being, I'm just passing the award to 4 bloggers, that's all I can do..will be passing it to more bloggers (I'm getting to know more bloggers) soon! And for the awarded bloggers above, you need to follow the rules as well... Happy Blogging ;)
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