Thursday, December 24, 2009

Petola Ular Goreng

Hai kengkawan.. apa khabar? masak apa hari ni? hopefully semua sihat & sentiasa diberkati tuhan.. aminn

Hari ni Ida nk tayang sayur petola ular goreng... pernah makan ke sayur petola ular ni? mana la tau kot2 dengar nama pun dh geli.. hehehe.. Ida jarang2 je makan.. tu pun kalau my mom beli.. tapi sekali sekala makan sedap jugak.. tak cukup dibuatnya heheheh..

Apa yg Ida baca.. sayur petola ular ni adalah buah tapi di kategorikan dalam sayuran hijau.. Nama saintifiknya ' Trichosanthes cucumerina'. Kenapa dinamakan ular? tak tahula la plak.. hehe.. maybe sbb rupanya yg mcm ular kot hihihi.. eee... geli aku sebut2 pasal ular ni hahaha


1 biji petola ular - dipotong nipis2
2 biji bawang putih - dimayang
1 biji bawang merah - dimayang
1 biji cili merah - dihiris
sedikit isi ayam
sedikit suhun - direndam terlebih dahulu
1 sudu besar kicap
serbuk perasa


1. Panaskan minyak. Goreng bawang putih & merah sehingga wangi. Masukkan pula cili merah.
2. Masukkan isi ayam. Goreng isi ayam sehingga empuk.
3. Masukkan petola ular, kicap & bahan perasa. Goreng sehingga petola empuk.
4. Akhir sekali, masukkan suhun. Kacau hingga sebati.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Makeup Stuff

Rasa2nya dh berkurun tak update blog ni... hehe :D bukan tak mahu update.. tapi tak masakkk kat umah.. main beli jek sejak dua menjak ni... mmg malasss betul nk masak.. tak tahula napa... hehehe.. i'm not a mother & a housewife.. so tak kisah la.. makan pun takpe.. tak makan pun takpe.. lainla kalau dh ada husband & kids nanti.. I'll make sure I'll cook sendiri food for 'em walau sibuk camne sekalipun.. more healthy, hygienic & delicous hehehe.. (sounds like i'm ready for marriage..isn't it? insya allah.... pray for me!) maybe ida kena tukarlah tajuk blog ni drpd blog masakan ke blog pelbagai... cam HaSue punya blog tu.. so, bila time tak masak boleh update cite2 lain kan... ehh.. ada ke yg nk baca cite2 lain kita? :D hopefully ada la..... :)

Oklah... hari ni kita nk tayang barang2 makeup kita.. teringat last week masa duk chat ngan HaSue.. terkeluar citer2 pasal makeup ni.. masa tu kul 6.30 pagi.. Ida ngah siap2 nk pergi keje.. sambil make up sambil chat ngan HaSue.. hehehe.. HaSue lak sambil prepare breakfast sambil chat ngan kita hahahaha.. kita suruh la dia tayang brg2 makeup dia.. tapi sampai hari ni takde... hihihi.. kita teringat yg HaSue ada tulis kt blog.. dia suka pakai lipstick warna purple.. amboiii... daringnya hang sue... lipstick kaler purple gitu heheheheh ;) kita pun tak sanggup nk pakai.. hahahaha.. ha.. nanti hang tayang lipstick purple hang tu... :P ampuunnnn hihihi

Cian kt Hasue... ampuunn sue.. tahun baru nanti kita berazam tak nk nyakat hang dah.. hihi.. eh, leh caya ke ni? :D

I am not all that a brand conscious person.. tapi kalau untuk makeup stuff, perfumes & undergarments.. Ida mesti dapatkan yg berjenama.. i don't mind spending much money on these three items.. tapi kalau baju, kasut, bag, etc.. tu Ida langsung tak kisah.. yg branded ok.. yg tak ada brand pun ok.. semua belasah asalkan they fit me well and suit me... (biasanya beli yg takde brand je..)

Semalam, Ida pergi Kerteh just to buy makeup stuff.. sanggup drive 2 jam tu heheh.. kat kay tee mana mau cari yang.. nk beli online, tak leh test lak.. rasanya dh lama benar tak beli makeup stuff ni.. sampaikan byk barang2 tu yg dh nak habis isinya.. I use Dior & YSL prodcuts.. they are wonderful & boleh tahan bertahun2.. love 'em so much!

Ni plak yg baru dibeli smlm.. brand The Body Shop.. itu je brand yg ada kt sana.. so, beli la jugak sbb dh urgent ni hehehe.. nk tunggu ke KL tak tahu la bila.. sementara tu guna dulu yg ni.. 6 items lebih kurang RM250.. okla kan.. kalau Dior,RM250 tu boleh dapat 1 or 2 stuff aje... Ni first time Ida guna jenama The Body Shop... not bad.. bought oil free balancing foundation (RM65), black eye definer shade (RM35), pink eye color (RM35), starlight sparkle eye liner (RM45) , iced candy shimmer gloss (RM49.90) & pencil sharpener (RM11). Pastu boleh ambil brg free for RM30. I took sparkle roller ball (RM39.90). I like the oil free foundation.. eye color lak.. not that long lasting tapi still ok..

wokayyyy.. pasni kita tunggu HaSue tayang makeup stuff dia lak.. hang tayang ye sue... jgn tak tayang lakkk.. especially lipstick yg kaler purple tuu.. ampunnnnnnn! hehehehe.....

Monday, November 23, 2009

Kek Marie Koko

I made this kek marie koko (kek batik) a few weeks ago but only got the chance to post the pic and share it with all of you today. I've been very extremely busy with exam marking and other stuff related to the exam, and now, thank god, it's over.. yeahhh!!
It was my first time making kek batik. I know it's a big sloppy but it was quite a new & fun experience! I made just half of the recipe, and maybe, that's one of the reasons why the kek batik appeared sooooo 'untidy' and 'unattractive'. I guess if I made using the whole recipe, the cake would look better! LOL... To me, when making a cake, it should always taste and look good! I know there are some people don't really care about how their cake looks like, as long as it tastes good, most people will be happy to eat. hehe well, that's quite true, but I think nothing can beat the satisfaction of being able to make both delicious and nice homemade cake with our own hands and then serve it to our family members ;)
I loved the taste of this kek marie koko, it is a chocoholic's dream! My family also loved it. To kak azita, thanks for sharing this wonderful kek batik recipe :)
Bahan-bahan :
500 gm biskut marie
1 buku buttercup (250 gm)
4 biji telur
3/4 cawan gula
3/4 cawan air
3/4 cawan milo
1/2 cawan serbuk koko
4 camca besar susu pekat manis
Cara-cara :

1. Pecah2kan biskut marie dan ketepikan.
2. Pecahkan telur ke dalam periuk yang agak besar dan pukul sedikit.
3. Masukkan gula, air, milo, koko dan susu pekat manis. Kacau supaya sebati.
4. Masukkan buttercup dan kacau di atas api yang sederhana sehingga adunan menjadi bergentel2 – macam pecah minyak.
5. Kacau hingga pekat sedikit dan masukkan biskut marie yang telah dipecah2kan tadi.
6. Kacau sehingga kesemua adunan koko meliputi biskut marie dan biskut menjadi lembut sedikit.
7. Kaupkan ke dalam loyang atau mana2 acuan dan mampatkan dengan menekan2 adunan dari bahagian atas.
8. Sejukkan sebentar dan masukkan ke dalam peti sejuk

Tips :
Alaskan dasar loyang dengan plastik supaya senang dikeluarkan untuk dipotong.
Untuk memampatkan, alas dengan plastik di bahagian atas dan mampatkan dengan tapak tangan. Lagi senang!!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Happy Birthday, Love2Cook!

Dear Love,

Happy Birthday dear! Have a great one ;)

Best Wishes,

Ida :)

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Baked Macaroni

Hello all... I know it's been a while since my last post (I've been pretty busy with work, which is why I haven't been updating much lately) so here is the 'scoop' for the delay - Baked Mac!
I love pasta. I guess I could eat pasta every day. hehe From macaroni and spaghetti to lasagne and penne, pasta will always be my personal favorite and my 'go to' when I want to make something fast. Talking about pasta, it's been quite some time since I last made baked macaroni. The first time I made them was a few years ago and they didn't turn out and taste good enough hehe... that's normal for a first timer!
Well, it's clear everyone has their own version of baked mac. It depends on one's taste preference. Obviously this baked mac that I made is the version that I want - soft, a bit creamy and cheesy!
Note: This baked mac recipe is a combination of chef Hanieliza's recipe and my own.
Bahan Pasta:
500 g pasta [makaroni/spiral/fennel]
2 s/b minyak
Bahan Inti:
500 g daging cincang
1 labu bawang besar [potong dadu kecil]
1 ulas bawang putih [dicincang halus]
8 biji cendawan butang [hiris nipis]
6 biji tomato [dadu kasar]
5 tangkai cili merah [racik kasar]
1 cawan tomato sos
1 cawan cili sos
1 s/b lada sulah
1 s/b oregano kering
3 s/b minyak
Bahan sos bechamel:
2 biji telur
2 cawan susu cair
1 kotak keju cheddar - diparut
1/4 cwn mentega
garam & sedikit serbuk lada sulah
4 sudu besar tepung
1. Pasta direbus dalam air mendideh dan garam sehingga lembut. Toskan dan gaulkan dengan minyak.
2. Panaskan kuali dan tumiskan bawang putih dan bawang besar sehingga wangi.
3. Masukkan daging kisar yg telah dileraikan. Kacau sehingga daging kelihatan masak.
4. Masukkan cendawan, cili merah, tomato, cili sos dan tomato sos. Kacau rata.
5. Masukkan lada sulah dan garam. Rasakan masinnya.
6. Bila dan masak masukkan bahan inti dalam mangkuk yg berisi pasta tadi.
7. Di dalam periuk lain, cairkan mentega. Masukkan susu & telur. Kacau sebati. Masukkan keju parut. Kemudian, masukkan tepung gandum untuk memekatkan sos. Taburkan sedikit garam & serbuk lada putih. Tutup api.
8. Di dalam mangkuk untuk membakar, tuang sedikit campuran makaroni tadi dan ratakan. Kemudian, tuangkan pula sos bechamel di atas makaroni tadi. Ratakan. Ulang teknik yg sama sehingga habis.
9. Pada lapisan atas, tuangkan lebihan sos bechamel tadi dan taburkan dgn lebihan keju parut. Taburkan dgn oregano kering.
10. Panaskan oven pada suhu 350c dan bakar selama lebih kurang 15 minit atau sehingga keju bertukar warna keperangan.
11. Apabila sudah masak, biarkan lebih kurang 15 minit sebelum dihidangkan.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sardine Curry & Honeydew Pudding

I've tried so many of dayang's recipes and they are all great! I am glad that she posted an easy sardine curry recipe coz I am into simple these days. For all those who love curry, this is for you. Enjoy ;)

My sardine curry..

Honeydew Pudding... just perfect for after a small or big meal.

Want some.....? ;) opppss, sorry dh abis la :D

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chinese Chives with Seafood

You never know until you try. Seriously, I never thought of stir-frying chinese chive leaves. Because of their stronger smell and 'oniony' flavor, I don't think to cook the leaves would be a good idea. What I normally do is I would throw in a few short lengths of chive leaves when I cook fresh bean sprouts to complete the taste. Yeah, they make a perfect partner in any stir-fry and dumpling. I stumbled upon this easy stir-fry recipe using chive leaves in a quick search of the internet and gave it a try. It made the difference and I quite liked it!

Note: The recipe is copied from Tan Wiratchada's blog.


2 g shrimps
2-3 squids, cut
1 g Chinese chive flowers, cut
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 ½ tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce


1. Chop garlic. Cut the Chinese chive flowers into 1 ½ inch long. Peel and devain shrimp. For a presentation, you can use whole shrimp (with head) and peel.
2. Heat a wok or a pan on high heat. Add a tablespoon of oil and chopped garlic and stir.
3. Add shrimp and squids when the garlic starts to brown. Stir to get the shrimp and squid somewhat cooked. The shrimp shoud start to get pinky but not all pink or cooked.
4. Add the chive flowers and stir to cook them.
5. Add oyster sauce and fish sauce. The flowers shouldn't take long to cook. You want the flowers to just cook, but not overcook and still retain their crunchiness.
6. When the color turns bright green, it indicates that they are cooked.
7. Turn off the heat and pour on a plate immediately. Serve with hot steamed rice.