I made this kek marie koko (kek batik) a few weeks ago but only got the chance to post the pic and share it with all of you today. I've been very extremely busy with exam marking and other stuff related to the exam, and now, thank god, it's over.. yeahhh!!
It was my first time making kek batik. I know it's a big sloppy but it was quite a new & fun experience! I made just half of the recipe, and maybe, that's one of the reasons why the kek batik appeared sooooo 'untidy' and 'unattractive'. I guess if I made using the whole recipe, the cake would look better! LOL... To me, when making a cake, it should always taste and look good! I know there are some people don't really care about how their cake looks like, as long as it tastes good, most people will be happy to eat. hehe well, that's quite true, but I think nothing can beat the satisfaction of being able to make both delicious and nice homemade cake with our own hands and then serve it to our family members ;)
I loved the taste of this kek marie koko, it is a chocoholic's dream! My family also loved it. To kak azita, thanks for sharing this wonderful kek batik recipe :)
Bahan-bahan :
500 gm biskut marie
1 buku buttercup (250 gm)
4 biji telur
3/4 cawan gula
3/4 cawan air
3/4 cawan milo
1/2 cawan serbuk koko
4 camca besar susu pekat manis
Cara-cara :
1. Pecah2kan biskut marie dan ketepikan.
2. Pecahkan telur ke dalam periuk yang agak besar dan pukul sedikit.
3. Masukkan gula, air, milo, koko dan susu pekat manis. Kacau supaya sebati.
4. Masukkan buttercup dan kacau di atas api yang sederhana sehingga adunan menjadi bergentel2 – macam pecah minyak.
5. Kacau hingga pekat sedikit dan masukkan biskut marie yang telah dipecah2kan tadi.
6. Kacau sehingga kesemua adunan koko meliputi biskut marie dan biskut menjadi lembut sedikit.
7. Kaupkan ke dalam loyang atau mana2 acuan dan mampatkan dengan menekan2 adunan dari bahagian atas.
8. Sejukkan sebentar dan masukkan ke dalam peti sejuk
Tips :
Alaskan dasar loyang dengan plastik supaya senang dikeluarkan untuk dipotong.
Untuk memampatkan, alas dengan plastik di bahagian atas dan mampatkan dengan tapak tangan. Lagi senang!!
Salam kak,
nampak yummy kek batik marie tu. mintak sekeping ya kak? hihi
untidy apa plak..dah tidy sangat dah tuu..kalo ada lgi sepotong kite nak gak merasa hasil tgn hang nih.hihih...
Ida!!! where hv u been missing for so longgg??? Wow ur cake is so tempting ya! ;)
one of my all time fave!!!hehehehe...
salam kak...saya ambik resepi yer...nak wat sok untuk besday hubby...
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